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Featured Product- The No-Shock Collar Adapter
An innovative add-on for any e-collar
No Shock - No Kidding
The No-Shock Collar Adapter converts functional electrical stimulation (FES), the typical electrical stimulation to Functional Magnetic Stimulation (FMS), a painless magnetic pulse to alert dogs for positive reinforcement in training
Wear Comfortably - All Day, Every Day
Flat, Lightweight, Spike-Free design is perfect for all training and e-fence situations as the product causes no discomfort for your dog – at any point in time
Improved Connectivity
Improved connectivity with the dog’s sensory system while allowing for increased 24/7 wear-time.
Compact Design
The No-Shock Collar converter is quite small in size while being durable. The USA designed, developed, tested, and manufactured product is made from high-quality, marine grade stainless steel and a non-corrosive plastic housing.
The No-Shock Collar device is held in the pliers to left.